CppCon 2019 Call for Submissions

CppCon is the annual, week-long, face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community, organized by C++ the community for the C++ community.  This is an outstanding conference for the professional C++ programmer, and I encourage every serious C++ programmer to attend.

Proposals for talks at CppCon 2019 are now being accepted, through May 20, with decisions sent by July 8.  To submit a proposal, see the guidelines on the Call For Submissions page.

(Yes, I’m a little bit late to the party…)

Teaching Again at CppCon 2019!

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be teaching a 2-day class again at CppCon 2019 entitled Modern C++ API and Library Design.  The conference itself is Monday September 16th through Friday September 20th, with registration and a reception to be held Sunday the 15th.  My class will be held the weekend before the conference, on Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th.

You can find the course description here.